He graduated with his daughter in his arms and 18 years later they both recreated the same photo at her graduation

When we become parents we begin to have the feeling that time is moving too fast, especially when we see photographs of our children and remember, as if it were yesterday, their first months of life. "When did you grow up so much, baby?", We ask ourselves with a mixture of longing and pride as we contemplate the independent person you have become.

This is probably what a Texas father thought during his daughter's graduation, since 18 years ago they had both lived the same moment but from different perspectives. Therefore, they decided to recreate the image in a fun and emotional photographic composition that reminds us of the transience of time.

The same scenario 18 years later

18 years later 🎓💚 pic.twitter.com/1zd5HVjz2m

- Tori🌊 (@__toritilla) May 27, 2018

At just 19 years old, Dennis Roach of Texas became a father, so when he graduated from high school he decided immortalize the moment with his daughter Tori in his arms, who at that time was a few months old.

In Babies and more Mother and daughter recreate the tender photo of the first day of preschool 13 years later, at their high school graduation

But fate wanted 18 years later, his daughter will graduate in the same stadium where his father did, and with the same green gown and mortarboard clothing. So encouraged by family members, they decided to recreate the photograph that both were taken almost two decades ago.

Again Dennis held Tori in his arms, although this time it was she, and not him, the graduate. Same scenario, same costumes and the same warm, proud and loving kiss between father and daughter.

When Tori shared both photos on his Twitter account, he got a big surprise, because in a few minutes his publication had gone viral and numerous media began to echo his story.

Father and daughter claim that recreate this moment has united them even moreWell, they are aware of how lucky they have been to live together this important milestone in the life of a student. Therefore, they hope to recreate the photo in 2022, when Tori graduates from university.

In Babies and more Time flies: these emotional photos of father and son on the first day of school show us

Video: 14-Year-Old Boy Finishes College as University's Youngest Graduate (July 2024).