How can parents follow the activity on the school's blog?

More and more teachers are 2.0 and complement the content they use in their class with blogs that serve as communication nodes with your students. For parents, who have to follow the educational process of our children, I think it is very interesting to know some tools to try to follow the contents of the blog and help at home to always be aware of how they progress and progress.

Blogs can also serve us as a source of search and filtering to obtain relevant information that provides, that helps us to reflect and that provides us with other points of view. So any tool that helps us manage them will serve us for our purposes of gaining more knowledge and developing critical capacity in children.

most of blogs They generate a code called RSS (Really Simple Syndication) that is an XML format (tag-based language) that allows content to be shared on the Internet and that is accessible through specific readers.

The main advantage of RSS readers is that report when blogs have new posts which ensures that we do not have to be accessing every blog every day but from a single point we can control the contents. So the most normal thing is to use an RSS reader in which to add the sources of information, blogs, that interest us, and one of them will be the one made by our son / daughter's teacher.

Of the readers of blogs in the market the best was Google Reader, until a very unfortunate and incomprehensible decision of the direction of this great Internet company decided to suppress it.

Fortunately, other companies have been able to respond to readers in need of help in order to organize all the content to which we connect daily.

My recommendation to use is Feedly, a very simple system with a beautiful interface, with basic functionalities and that allows to organize the sources and group them by themes. You can also sort the folders and so always we will have at the top what interests us most. From Feedly you can share content with social networks or with email, a function that we can use to remind the children of information of interest. Feedly is free although they are beginning to develop subscription services to be able, for example, to access searches among the sources we have identified. further It can be used on mobile phones and tablets so that parents can always know what the kids are studying.

And yes, writing a blog is very hard, very heavy and although it is very enriching it requires a lot of effort. If you start building your fountains in Feedly you will see that in a couple of years many sources will have been exhausted although others will have been created. In any case the blogs of the teachers of the kids will always be there and they will help us to know the amount of knowledge that our children learn over time.