Chinese child adoptions down

Spain remains one of the countries the world that most children adopt. Most adoptions continue to come from China, and secondly from Russia.

Those who live in Spain can see that it is quite common to see a girl with torn eyes walking along the hand of her adoptive parents. His one-child policy has led to the adoption of Chinese girls' adoptions until last year they have tightened adoption conditions, excluding, for example, obese, homosexuals and single people. For its part, Russia has done the same.

In the strict (and for many absurd) restrictions that China has imposed on the adoption of children by foreign couples is the origin of 40% decline in adoptions in 2007 compared to the previous year. 700 children less, in turn causing an 18% decrease in total adoptions.

As expected, given the difficulties, parents wishing to adopt a child have changed their focus to another country: Ethiopia, currently the third country of origin of adoptions followed by Ukraine and Colombia. Last year there were 481 adoptions of Ethiopian children, 177 more than the previous year.

The truth is that they put the restrictions that put, the parents who feel the desire to adopt will always look for an alternative to realize their inalienable dream of forming a family.

Video: Rosie's Adoption Day. China Adoption. 3 years later. . (May 2024).