The amazing video of the doctor who turned the fetus from the outside so he could give birth at home

Her name is Christy Rojas, she was pregnant with her second baby and one of her biggest illusions was to be able to give birth at home. That desire, that dream, began to be endangered when in the 28th week of pregnancy he knew that the baby was coming from buttocks. The statistic says that only 4% of babies come in this position, which occurs when the baby has not turned around spontaneously in a cephalic position, with the head facing the birth canal.

The fact that the baby comes from the buttocks means giving birth a more complicated moment for both the baby and the mother and who attends to them, because it is an unnatural way of being born. Christy didn't want that, she wanted to try a home birth, so she asked the well-known Dr. Andrew Bisits for help and he managed to turn the fetus from the outside to make it possible. The father recorded it in a amazing video, whose story we tell you below.

As I just explained, in week 28 they knew that the baby was coming from buttocks, although they were hoping that at any moment he would turn and turn upside down. In week 32, seeing that this did not happen, he began to try to solve it with everything that was recommended: that if acupuncture, that if he turns around doing the pine twice a day, that if such a thing, that if such another, But nothing worked. He decided to contact Dr. Andrew Bisits, known as "the baby whisper" for his ability to work with babies that come from buttocks.

It was already in week 37 when Bisits decided that they would try, although the hopes were not too many, because he explained to the parents that the probability of success was 50%. Obviously, at this point, the baby is big, very large in relation to weeks and months ago, and the space for it to turn is minimal.

Then comes what you see in the video. In two attempts, with patience but right hand, Bisits managed to turn the baby. He told the mother to talk to the baby so that he would react and, according to the mother, when he spoke he just got well.

This happened two years ago but it is now when we know the story and watch the video. Little Marisse was born at home, as his parents wanted, thanks to this maneuver that is called the external cephalic version and now the Rojas family has thought it would be good to spread it so that the technique is better known and can be done by more professionals in more centers and hospitals.

Does not always work

As Bisits said well and as we commented a year ago, it is not a maneuver that always works. It is not always possible to turn the baby around, since it is estimated that in 42% of cases the baby remains on the buttocks. I myself know a woman with whom he tried and the only thing he took was a tremendous abdominal hematoma. The baby said no, he didn't move.

When it doesn't work, it can also give birth to the buttocks

According to the mother, Dr. Bisits himself explained that if it did not work they could try a natural birth in the hospital where he worked, in Australia. As an expert, he has always been an advocate of not opting for caesarean section in such cases, but of trying to do natural childbirth, which is always less risky than a caesarean section (provided professionals are prepared, of course). In Barcelona, ​​for example, the hospital of Sant Pau is training its professionals in this regard and they have already achieved that 25% of the breech births are vaginal (before 7%). She was very happy to know that she had that possibility, but to turn it around He chose to give birth at home, which was his wish, something that happened three weeks after the maneuver.

Video: How to Deliver a Baby in an Emergency (May 2024).