Pregnant in summer? How is the experience? the question of the week

You never know what is the best time of the year to spend the last months of pregnancy, but summer and heat may not be the best partners. Today in the question of the week we want to know:

Are you pregnant in summer? How is the experience?

Are you suffering the rigors of heat? Do you still work or can you afford to be resting? Are you all right now? Do you take advantage of the pool and the beach? We await the responses of future moms and those who already are but also passed the final stretch of pregnancy in summer.

Last week's question

Seven days ago we asked you on a controversial issue, the belly of surrogacy or surrogacy, and we have obtained several answers. The vast majority are totally against surrogacy.

Anamare tells us that each person owns their body but not the life of a child even if they are in their womb. What might seem altruistic will be a "sad" solution to economic or family problems of people with less resources or less training.

Nymph032001 tells us:

Against all, the limit to the desire to be parents is in human dignity and with the human body and with babies it is not traded. There is always someone who comes up with the ideal story of a mother who has lent herself to be the belly of her daughter's rent who, due to a cancer, lost her ovaries ... etc or more dramatic if possible. Well, in life there are dramatic events that remain without solution, there is the adoption of many children in need (by the way, there have also been good commerce, but at least they are already alive and you have to give them a solution) or there is a way to idea that unfortunately you can not have a baby with your own DNA. The reality is that if these practices allow most women do it for money, they become simple objects of incubation by necessity, when women farms are not created directly. For the same reason that limits are imposed on organ donation, the human body is NOT traded and less with babies.

Belenrincon, Iskandervv and Xaphania are also opposed in their interesting comments, because it threatens the dignity of women and the rights of children, which become merchandise.

By cons, Inés93 is shown in favor of the rental belly:

In favor totally. Anyone owns their own body. I am not in favor of exploitation, it is worth clarifying ... I am in favor when there is a woman's consent.

We appreciate all the opinions, we encourage you to read them completely and now the new question of the week is now available. We await your comments in the Answers section to collect them next week.

Video: 8 Weeks Pregnancy Update! Pregnant Belly Shot And Symptoms (July 2024).