New grandparents who no longer live just to take care of grandchildren

Today's grandparents are no longer those of before. They feel young, dynamic, work, travel and have an agenda full of activities. New grandparents no longer live just to take care of grandchildren. Many times they can't (or just don't want to) do it.

And not because they don't want them. They love them and enjoy them to the fullest, but they also consider that their "golden age" has come, which, of course, they also have the right to enjoy.

Grandparents, a great help

With the disastrous reconciliation that we have today, grandparents are one of the options that parents use when we have no one to take care of the children. Who are they going to be better with than grandparents?

Grandparents take care of a thousand loves (some), and it is true, the relationship established between grandparents and grandchildren is wonderful. Children who grow up near their grandparents are happier. But the truth is that the energy at 60-70 years is not the same as before and often the poor grandparents end up exhausted after running a few days behind the little ones.

What does not hunt is when caring for grandchildren becomes an obligation for grandparents. Today they have thousands of plans (going to the movies, traveling, going out with friends, etc.) and, no matter how much we weigh or annoy us, they have every right not to give up that enjoyment for having to take care of the grandchildren.

We have grandparents far away (far away, on another continent) and we can't count on them to take care of girls. But sometimes my friends have told me: "My parents can never take care of children, they always have some excuse."

We cannot be angry because our parents cannot or do not want to take care of their grandchildren. It seems very selfish of us to demand that you put aside your activities to take care of children.

They already raised us

Older people occupy a new role in today's society. They live a freer grandfather, without ties, and they are no longer the grandparents who only lived to take care of their grandchildren. They have a wide range of activities at your fingertips and now they are grandparents besides many other things.

And let me say, and that I am an interested party, that you have every right in the world to enjoy the last stage of your life as they wish. That there will be those who prefer to turn completely to the care of their grandchildren, and that's fine, but as long as they choose it and it's not an imposition of their children.

And there will be many other new grandparents who prioritize their enjoyment and live their grandfather with intensity but imposing their own standards. And they do well. They have already raised their own children and now they have neither the desire nor the energy to raise the grandchildren. They worked all their lives and have the right to rest and enjoy their grandchildren without the obligation to take care of them.

What do you think? What is your case?

Video: Babysitting Your Grandchildren Improves Your Life Expectancy According to Science (July 2024).