Colecho's cradle: Independent baby, but confident with dad and mom

There is no doubt that our baby needs her space and dads too, but we don't want to lose sight of him for a second during his first months. A situation that can become a problem.

The colecho cribs They are an excellent solution for these days. Chicco We propose the cradle of Colecho Next2Me that favors the independence of mother and son, ensuring a permanent connection.

From mom's hand

There is nothing better than relax after breastfeeding from the hand of your baby. Once he has eaten and expelled the air, the baby feels satisfied and relaxed, but still likes to have contact with mom. The colecho cribs They are perfect for maintaining this contact and for everyone to have their place.

Next2Me is equipped with a simple and secure anchor system to the bed, which ensures optimal support thanks to its two 4-meter straps. It is also compatible for beds with drawers and can be adjusted in different heights.

Sleeping Star Style

Babies as they grow and becoming aware of your spaceThey use all kinds of postures to rest. So that both parents and the baby feel calm at any time of the day, Next2Me can be used as much as colecho cradle, tied to the parents' bed, as a standard crib, lifting the side.

You can use the crib to sleep at your side at night, or to take it to the lounge during the day. That way, your baby can always be close to you. And you'll see how it stretches in his crib for sleep peacefully Star style or on the contrary a ball is made on the top of the crib or on the feet.

It is also essential to ensure that crib mattresses or bassinet They comply with all safety regulations. The best crib in the world with an inappropriate mattress can be fatal to our newborn.

Next2Me It has a soft mattress, which ensures maximum comfort for your baby, and a mesh window for proper air circulation. Can be used with the inclined base, to reduce regurgitation, help in the digestion of the baby or to breathe better in case of eyelid.

Comfortable and safe

The benefits of closeness of parents clash with the warnings of the experts of the AEPED Breastfeeding Committee about the risk of putting too young children to sleep in the same bed as their parents. The heat given off under the bedding by the presence of adults may be excessive for a newborn. In addition, during sleep you can not rule out the possibility that the mother gets too close to the child, and there is a danger of suffocation (biblical but real).

However, recent studies ensure that the child who sleeps in the same room as the parents, (even if not in the double bed), runs less risk of death from SIDS, the syndrome of sudden death of the newborn.

For the comfort and safety of our baby, the colecho cradle It's a good solution.

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