A dog finds a baby in the trash and saves his life

Ironies of life: there are couples who cannot have children and would give anything to achieve a pregnancy and there are couples who achieve a pregnancy and would give anything for not having the child. Why? Because when there is no economic means, when there is no money, contraceptive methods are not used and a baby, a mouth rather than feeding, can be a problem for the whole family.

I don't justify what this woman did. I only explain why since pregnancy she decided that she would not take care of her baby. What an eye, I talk about money, but the cause could be another: a teenage girl hid her pregnancy until the end, a woman with a violent partner, an infidelity, etc. The fact is that after giving birth he threw the baby in the trash and wanted the destination that that was not his day: a dog found him and saved his life.

A stray dog, the baby guardian angel

It was a stray dog, without an owner, probably looking through the rubble for something to put in his mouth, who found it. He took it in his jaws and went to the nearest house he found.

There they saw the scene that has surprised so many people (you can see the photos here), of the dog carrying the naked baby in its mouth, even with the umbilical cord hanging.

The incomprehensible thing of the moment is that they decided to take pictures before taking the baby, but I also don't want to say much about it because we don't know how everything happened (who knows if they didn't think it was a Halloween joke, or if being an unknown dog they didn't dare to approach for fear of biting the baby hard).

The fact is that they took the baby and transferred him to the hospital, where doctors, as we read in Ideal, have reported that the baby is fine and he is recovering.

What other options did the "mother" have?

Well, in Brazil there are not many solutions for women like that, but before throwing it away, I could certainly have looked for other solutions: if it was not one of them, it could have been given for adoption, and if that meant revealing his identity, it would have been enough with leave him (since you are not going to take care of him) at any door ... before they were left in the convents, right?

For such cases, and at times like this, I always remember the mailboxes to leave children in some countries, in addition to the possibility of give birth anonymously.

In the case of anonymous birth, the woman who goes to the hospital requests a delivery without registration and from that moment she is treated like any mother, but without writing down her data at any time. The baby is already in the hospital where social services are looking for a foster family, while the woman leaves the hospital without him.

If you do not use this service, if you have the baby at home, but do not want to take care of it, you can go to the baby mailbox; It is a window that opens from the outside and gives a heated crib monitored by a video camera.

At the moment someone opens that window an alarm goes off in the intensive care unit notifying the medical staff that a baby is being deposited.

The person making the delivery, which is not recorded in the video, finds a letter written in eight languages ​​that explains how to contact the hospital and an ink stamp to take a print of the newborn. So that person has the possibility, if he later recants or thinks better, to return to claim the baby. At that moment the window closes being impossible to reopen it from outside.

Hopefully in Brazil begin to think about these solutions so that this does not happen again.