Why do mothers stay up late?

A few days ago I told you about a survey in which it was discovered that mothers worked on average 98 hours a week, results that surprised many of us, but not so much because we did not know that being a mother is very demanding, but the fact Adding the hours makes us realize the great amount of time we dedicate to the week.

Something mentioned in the study was the "time of departure" of the work, in which the mothers ended our day at 8:31 at night. But that does not mean that our day ends there. In fact, Many mothers stay up late at night. You may wonder: if we are so tired, why are we still awake? I tell you the reasons.

Being a mother is not stopping all day

For us moms it is very common that when other people ask how we are, we answer something along the lines of: "well, you know, running from one place to another"And our routine is usually like this, especially after our children learn to walk.

From the moment they take their first steps, we are walking behind them to take care of them and ensure that nothing happens to them. Over time they are growing and the demand for attention usually increases. With the arrival of oral communication, our children are anxious and eager to tell us everything that happens to them by their little head all the time. They require more and more of our attention.

And between that attention to them, things at home (in the case that we are the ones who stay at home or are the main responsible for cooking, ordering, etc.) and the many pending that we must do outside the home, our day is going like water and at least we think about it, it was already dark and it was time to sleep.

Then the night comes and with it -if the children sleep early- peace comes, silence, loneliness. That moment comes when we finally stop and end the daily hustle and bustle. And we like to enjoy it. We like to savor that feeling of another day that ends, and that regardless of whether we have accomplished all that we set out or not, we have concluded another maternal day next to our little ones.

We like to go to sleep without so many earrings

It is also when night falls, that we realize something: 24 hours are not enough to do everything we need or what we had planned. So we take advantage of the fact that children are already asleep to review our list of things to do and see how we can move forward, even if it is 11 p.m.

The more we get ahead or remove from our list, we feel better. We get things ready for the next day, we go through the whole house to order something that has been out of place and maybe even advance the meals a little tomorrow.

And it is that the mental load that we usually have mothers is manifested just at the moment we put the head on the pillow, when we mentally recite the huge list of earrings. So the feeling that we managed to advance something, helps us sleep more peacefully, even if we do less hours.

We need our time for mom

But in addition to all the pending and to make that pause of the "run, run" daily, we like to have our time for mom. During the day it can become difficult to have a moment for us, and although we can always find small moments to do something for ourselves, Sometimes we want something else and the ideal time to do it is when everyone is already asleep.

Maybe we want to see that movie that we have in mind for a few weeks or we want to give us a well deserved long and relaxing bath. Maybe we expect that book we bought and we could not start or we want to pamper ourselves a little and paint our nails or make a mask.

It is true. We mothers get to sleep much later than the rest of our family for these and perhaps other reasons. I like to believe that it is because we are ambitious, persevering and enjoy moving forward on our slopes.

But remember, mom, it's also worth sleeping early. The house is not going to fall if you give yourself a whole night once in a while, there will be more days to catch up.

Do you also stay up late?

Photos | iStock
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