The tender video of a girl pretending to "breastfeed" her newborn sister to calm her down

Kaley Munday, author of the Munday Mornings blog just gave birth to a baby a few weeks ago who they called Reese Kristine. He also has two more children, the eldest, a boy, and the middle one a girl named Quinny.

A few days ago, the mother shared on Instagram the cutest video of her daughter pretending to "breastfeed" her newborn sister to calm her.

One more clip because how could I not share this She yelled at me to take off her shirt and that she HAD to give the baby some milk She's been very intrigued with nursing. This little gal has had a lot of adjusting the last few days but the best part is she either plays the role of a baby or is the mother to Reese. Just going with the Quinny flow @lactationlink thought you'd be proud of Quinnys efforts)

Children imitate

Evidently, Quinny has seen her mother breastfeeding her little sister to calm her when she cries, and she has decided to do the same. Can there be anything more tender?

After all, children do what they see, and if at home they see mom breastfeed or they are breastfeeding themselves, the logical thing is that they also want to do it, even if it's children, because they still don't differentiate those gender issues.

It is very common in homes with young children since they have very present what they see as normal and everyday: mom feeding the baby. Even if there are no brothers, many boys and girls do it with dolls. Have you lived at home too?

Undoubtedly, a beautiful image that helps to naturalize the act of breastfeeding.

Via | Kaley Munday
In Babies and more | The last photo of the controversy: the boy who wants to breastfeed his little brother