Only six out of ten travelers give the seat to a pregnant woman: don't be distracted

Pregnancy is not a disease, but it is a gesture of basic respect to give the seat to someone who needs it more than you. It's amazing that campaigns like #ExpectingChange have yet to be done so that passengers are aware of it and have more civic behavior.

An experiment conducted in the London Underground by a woman with a false belly revealed that Only six out of ten travelers are willing to give the seat to a pregnant woman. Many become distracted with their mobiles, while others have sudden drowsiness and deep ground as soon as they see her enter through the door.

The experiment (complete here), conducted by the MamaMio skin care brand, found that the battle for a seat in peak hours leads passengers to neglect their manners and makes pregnant women invisible.

Data from the study conducted with two thousand public transport users in London shows that:

  • Only 60% of people believe that it is necessary to give a seat to pregnant women on public transport.
  • They believe that opening a door is more important than giving the seat to a future mom.
  • Three out of ten adults believe that it is not necessary to offer the seat to the future mother until the belly is visible.
  • 18% agree that a seat should be offered during the third trimester of pregnancy, and 11% said they should do so during the second.
  • Only 2% said they should offer their seat when a woman is in her first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • One in five pregnant women feel ashamed to ask to have their seat given.
  • One in five passengers fears offending the woman by offering her a seat, so they simply do not bother.
  • 56% believe it should be clarified who is eligible for the priority seat, and 52% believe that more signs at stations and stops would help.

Following the results of the survey, they have launched the campaign that aims to educate passengers to offer their seats to pregnant women and also encourage future moms to ask for it If they want to.

Pregnant women are not invisible

Standing for a long time, the crowds, the heat and the weight of the belly are discomforts that pregnant women accuse a lot, and being able to sit during the journey is something that is appreciated. The mother who performed the experiment said:

"Traveling on foot, heat and boredom can be incredibly stressful both physically and mentally, and sitting down can make a difference.

However, from my own experience, it seems to me that people are too absorbed in their phones to be aware of their surroundings, or they will not offer their seat unless instructed to do so. "

The saddest thing is that, he says has had to act, showing complaining and exaggerating so that people would take it for granted and agree to give it their seat. As if in another way out invisible.

Getting up for a pregnant woman is a matter of minimal respect and empathy towards the people around us. It seems that people are increasingly abstracted in themselves and are not able to look at who is next to them.

So, the next time you see a pregnant woman in the subway or on any public transportation, don't you fall asleep or asleep: give your seat.