Some amazing things about babies and children

Some I already knew, but there are others very curious things about newborns and children that reveals an article in the English People magazine.

And we still believe that we know everything about babies. Here are some:

  • Babies are born without kneecaps, these develop between six months and one year of life. (No idea, any doctor in the room?)

  • Babies are born with blue eyes. (yes, due to lack of pigmentation)

  • Children of six years laugh 300 times a day, adults, 60. (there is much to learn from the little ones)

  • Babies born in May are approximately 200 g larger than those born in other months. (it will be spring ...)

  • A child does not grow while going through a cold. (Sounds strange, did the doctor arrive?)

  • A child walks 176 steps per minute. (at two years, I don't think so. At six, it could be)

  • Up to six or seven months, babies can breathe and swallow at the same time, adults cannot. (That way they can take from the mother's breast)

  • Babies are born with the ability to swim and hold their breath, but soon lose it. (the famous instinct)

  • Babies do not have bad breath because they still do not have teeth, there are deposited bacteria that make the breath smell bad.

  • The head of a newborn represents a quarter of its total weight.

  • Most babies recognize their mother's voice as soon as they are born, but it takes about 14 days to recognize the father's voice. (with her they met 9 months ago)

  • Babies do not sweat, their sweat glands are not fully mature.

  • A four-month-old fetus is able to hide before a bright light that crosses the mother's gut, as well as to react to very loud sounds.

  • A fetus does not develop fingerprints until three months.

  • A newborn focuses on objects that are 25 cm from his nose, the distance between him and his mother when breastfed. (see everything you need to see)

  • Children grow twice as fast in spring than in autumn, although they gain more weight during the fall.

  • During an ultrasound, the baby can be caught smiling, but then they don't do it again until about a month after birth. (childbirth puts you in a bad mood)

  • Babies' most powerful sense is smell, through which they recognize their mother.

  • The heart of an embryo starts beating the third week of its conception.

  • No matter where your child is born, he will share his birthday with another 9 million people around the world.

  • The record for children born to the same woman is 69. (my mother! She spent her life giving birth)

  • Most babies cry without tears until they turn three to six weeks.

  • A baby doubles its birth weight at six months and triples it at the end of the first year. (the children grow up)

Video: Fun Facts about Babies: 10 Things Parents Should Know about Children (May 2024).