Spanish children want to be like Beckham

A study by the Pedagogical Museum of Children's Art of the Complutense University, after observing 1,800 drawings of children between six and twelve years who were asked to draw that they wanted to be older, he concluded that Spanish children want to be elite athletes like Fernando Alonso, Beckham or Ronaldinho.

Among the girls it was found that they prefer to be teachers, veterinarians or "painters". They also said they wanted to be a princess or an elegant model on the Cibeles or Gaudí catwalk. The researchers claim that preferences for children are influenced by the media in general and television in particular. In the conclusions of the study it can be seen that today's children have new aspirations totally related to what they see on television.

However, the study makes it clear that the professions most desired by today's children remain the same as always: footballers, professors, police or firefighters (they), teachers, veterinarians, doctors, nurses, (they).

They also found professions as diverse as homeless, Pope, millionaire, snail shepherd, oil seeker, Basque ball player or superhero

Video: Bend It Like Beckham - Trailer (May 2024).