Education studies whether to ban mobiles in schools in Spain

This beginning of the course, the return to school in France has come with a novelty: it has been prohibited by law the use of mobile phones, tablets and smart watches in schools for children under 15, according to the government, "to detoxify young people, because of the excessive use they make of these devices. "

This measure could be seconded by the Spanish government. Today we have learned that the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Isabel Celaá, has announced that the Government Study the possibility of banning the use of mobile phones in schools. "You have to reflect on whether school time should be free of that addiction," he said.

In an interview with the Efe Agency, the head of Education said that he is currently finding "Strongly faced positions" on whether mobiles should enter schools or not.

Therefore, it has indicated that it is a measure that will be valued by experts in the matter. The objective is to reduce the digital addiction of the students, but also recognizes that "nevertheless, in some cases the mobile helps - they do not usually take it to the exams, only it was missing-". He adds: "If prohibiting it in the centers serves to reduce digital addiction, it is worth assessing," said Celaá.

In any case, "it is not clear that it can be banned", since the competition falls on the autonomous communities, and some may be in favor of eliminating them and others not.

As we have seen, the use of mobile phones in schools is a controversial issue, since although it causes distraction in children, it promotes antisociability and a sedentary lifestyle, experts agree that, well used, with a pedagogy of use behind it, it can be A useful learning tool in the classroom.

There are also those who believe, like Jorge Flores Fernández Director of Friendly Screens, that prohibiting by law is not the solution, but "teach them to use the mobile with responsibility and be aware of when they should park it."

More measures in Education

The minister also spoke of a series of measures that are valued to implement in Education, some of them already advanced a few months ago. Between them:

  • It is intended to download content curricula, in order to replace the current memorization system with others that activate learning more.

  • A more flexible, modern school that knows how to make the student learn to have skills and develop in the world in which he is going to live, different from the one in which he is learning.

  • With respect to homogenize the school calendar by communities, he has said that he does not believe it is relevant, since the communities organize and maintain their singularities and start the course when they have agreed.

  • Classes more practical and connected with real life, which are, in short, the requirements that many times Pisa sets.

  • Measures to combat childhood obesity and to ensure that the diet in schools is balanced will be studied.

  • Concerts are not going to be suppressed: "what is not an obstacle to affirm that the public system has the first responsibility, the obligation to attend to the fundamental right to be educated," said Celaá.

  • On the segregation by sexes he has recognized that from the perspective of the Constitutional Court it is not segregation and although his Ministry does not agree, they have to respect it.

  • Regarding the teaching of religion and the Agreements with the Holy See, the Government will establish that religion has no mirror subject and maintain the offer of free choice.

Video: I SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!! (May 2024).