Euthanasia for a baby?

In the United States there is a wide debate about the euthanasiaThe reason is the case of an 18-month-old baby who suffers from a severe complication from birth, is blind and deaf, and an incurable degenerative disease is affecting his nervous system (Leigh's disease). He cannot eat or breathe, needing continuous help from the machines to continue living.

Of course, no mother would let her baby die, hope always remains despite the situation in which her baby is and the opinions of doctors that are totally contrary to those of the mother. In this case, doctors want to remove the intubated and end the agony suffered by the child, but the mother struggles to remain intubated, does not want her son to die. From birth, the baby is in the Intensive Care Unit of the Austin Children's Hospital in Texas, connected to a respirator and fed intravenously, is not aware of the situation and degenerative disease further stifles his situation.

It is unimaginable to put yourself in the place of the mother and in the case of doing so, each person would react differently, the experience of life, the way of being, the situation ... everything influences to determine one or another position. A Texas law allows interrupting the treatment that keeps the baby alive as long as it is shown that there are no possibilities for him, the mother fights the law in court. A hearing will be held next May 8 to determine what to do.

Painful situation, what to do if there is no hope ?, But if hope should never be lost, what to do then ?, The reflection is profound and we believe it should be the mother who decides on the life of her son, not a court and much less a law, though, what would that baby be if one day the mother is missing? Too hard the resolution will be anyway.

Video: Euthanasia for sick children in Belgium (July 2024).