Sex after birth

After giving birth to your child, you will continue to feel physical and emotional changes, in addition, especially if he is the first child, the changes in the couple's behavior are added, passing your intimacy to a secondary level in the priorities, Being parents means full dedication to the new family member.

In some cases it can interfere in sexual intercourse, but it is not a cause for concern, it is a stage that will disappear in a short time, because you need your time to recover physically and emotionally. Dad may also feel self-conscious with the child in the room, but this has a better solution. Although the most important thing is to resume sexual activity when you both feel prepared, usually once the blood losses have ended.

In fact, specialists recommend restarting sexual relations once the puerperium or quarantine has passed, but this will always depend on the couple. It is very likely that in the first intercourse after childbirth, feel discomfort and vaginal dryness, but it is also normal after vaginal delivery. If there has been an episiotomy you must be recovered to feel more comfortable and a lubricating cream will help you have a more pleasant relationship.

80% of women who have had a vaginal birth suffer from a sexual disorder, but only 15% of them consult their gynecologist. It is advisable to go to them when this happens, because they are the ones who can advise you best, and although in postpartum controls they focus mainly on contraceptive methods, do not hesitate to help you recover your sexual activity satisfactorily.