A mother dies "of grief" after giving birth to her lifeless baby

One of the strangest news I've encountered these days is this one that I bring to you today in which the case of a woman who explains He died after giving birth to his lifeless baby, as they explain, "of grief". Strange because that of dying of grief, with 29 years, is little more than difficult and also sad, very sad, because at one time they left mother and daughter.

Everything happened a few weeks ago (it is now when it comes to light), when the probable date of delivery passed the doctors decided that it was best to induce labor. The mother began to have contractions and was told that as the birth was progressing correctly the girl could be born by vaginal delivery. The first bad news came when they discovered that the little girl's heart was not beating, who had died in the womb and that the mother was going to give birth to her already dead child.

The doctors gave the terrible news to their parents and minutes later the mother passed out. “We were not sure what was wrong, but she did not regain knowledge. His heart beat a little more, but he didn't wake up ”explained the husband.

The truth is that there were five hours that Lindsay Clift, the mother, remained alive and Darren, the father and husband affirms from that moment that the disgust was such, his heart broke in such a way that he needed to go with Katy, his daughter. In fact, the poor man added the following:

We went there hand in hand to go out being three and, very quickly, Katy passed away and then Lindsay. I still can't believe how this happened. The hospital was great, they did everything they could. They have not found an immediate cause of death and my impression is reinforced that she made the decision to leave.

The strange thing about it is that all this happened on September 26 and even today the true cause of the death of mother and daughter is unknown. Apparently an investigation was initiated that was later postponed (I don't know if it will resume or I know when). My feeling is that something happened there that caused the girl to die and that minutes later the mother did too. If that something was due to natural causes or if it was due to medical negligence, the day the investigation is reopened will be known.

Until then Lindsay Clift will be remembered as the mother who died of grief not being able to accept that Katy May, her daughter, was gone.

Via and Photo | The Gazette
In Babies and more | She dies giving birth at home a defender of home birth, Complications in childbirth (Part I) and (II), Elective induced labor: increased risk in first-time

Video: Mom Dies Days After Seeing Daughter Graduate High School in Hospital Ceremony (July 2024).