Acupuncture at the Children's Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

The recognized Children's Hospital Sant Joan de Déu has obtained a very good result applying acupuncture in children with chronic pain, strong and persistent. In three years it has relieved the pain of 80 children between 5 and 15 years old.

Luis Cáncer Villacampa, anesthesiologist and acupuncturist affirms that with this technique some children have reduced pain medications by 50% and others have completely eliminated them because the pain has subsided, it seems that acupuncture is no longer an issue of discussion

Children who have been treated with acupuncture suffered severe pain that was not mitigated with analgesics or opiates. Some suffered from an amputation, it is known as a phantom limb, after an amputation of a leg or an arm, the limb they no longer have continues to hurt.

Other children who received the small strategic punctures of acupuncture, required it for serious trauma or neuralgia. Unlike Western medicine, Eastern medicine understands the organism as a physical nucleus on which meridians or energy channels circulate, if one of these points suffers a blockage, the energy stagnates, and that is when the disease occurs. When making the small puncture at the point of blockage, the energy circulates again and the ailment is eliminated.

But Luis Cancer states that there is something to add, according to Western scientific studies, if acupuncture needles are applied at certain points near the organ that causes pain, contact with the brain centers can be established and endorphins are released (they act as the morphine relieving pain).

Many are still doctors who deny the effectiveness of this type of medicine, but fortunately the doctor of Sant Joan de Déu has not encountered problems when introducing it to his service, he says he does not intend to replace traditional medicine, but to apply it when it is necessary in combination of existing remedies against pain.

The children also do not oppose them, they distract them the first time and the next they already know that the technique does not hurt, the sessions are half an hour and in 24 hours they already notice the beneficial effect of acupuncture well done.