Sleep deficit in childhood increases the risk of physical and mental problems

That a baby or a child does not sleep well or enough hours is not a problem that should go unattended, because it can lead to harmful consequences for your health in the future.

Several studies in a special issue of the medical journal Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine point out that Childhood sleep disorders raise the likelihood of subsequent physical and mental problems.

The overweight or the emotional and behavioral problems They are the most important consequences of these childhood sleep disorders.

The analyzes have been carried out by studying a broad spectrum of the child population, such as 915 children in the case of the relationship between sleep deficit and obesity. The mothers of 3-year-olds were asked what the children's sleeping habits had been since they were 6 months old. The result was that Babies who sleep less than 12 hours a day are at greater risk of being overweight.

It was also seen that children who slept less had higher scores on the scales of anxiety, depression and aggressiveness, in an analysis of 2076 children and adolescents between 4 and 16 years old.

Those responsible for this special issue dedicated to children's sleep point out that one of the messages is that a increased attention to sleep disorders in children.

Video: What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep. The Human Body (July 2024).