Tell us your story: An exaggerated pregnancy

We continue with our "Tell us your story" section, where our readers tell us some of their experiences related to their maternity or paternity. The story of today, María Guadalupe Rivas brings it to us and tells us how she achieved the pregnancy of her son Santi.

If you also want to tell us your experience in first person, in Babies and more We will be happy to publish it. Send us your story to [email protected].

I leave you with the story:

The first time I realized that I was pregnant, I could not believe it, I cried so much happiness, I hugged my husband and although I wanted to surprise him I could not contain myself; I called my mother and sisters and told them the news they all shouted in excitement because my husband and I had six months preparing the moment, until it was done to us. I remember that it was a May 12, 2006 the day of the news; I went immediately with the doc. Who echoed me vaginally and would look like a bean; Unfortunately, on the 22nd they practiced a curettage, because I had a waste and contractions that gave rise to the inevitable.

It is the most painful, terrible, strong thing that could have happened to us, they were the most distressing and sad days I had, I had never cried so much together with my husband, we hugged and wept until our tears and strength were exhausted.

God rewarded us after three months of sadness and ignoring the doctor's recommendations, I got pregnant again, I did "TWO" pregnancy tests and positive and this time I cried, but of fear, I was so afraid so much anguish, That I did not want to spread the news, my husband hugged me and told me not to tell anyone, until he had gone to the doctor, and that was how he was just 5 weeks pregnant.

I took more precautions I went to a doctor specializing in fertility and high-risk pregnancies, I honestly did not enjoy my pregnancy as I would have liked, everything that happened to me worried me and I went to the doctor (since everything was normal) and I echoed. I don't lie to them every month, I went to the doctor twice and echoed; calls, mails, questions to my cousins, friends and family about pregnancy, books, magazines and always trying to take care of what I ate, did, etc; I even stopped working.

Finally "Bebesaurus" (because that's what his father and I call him) arrives on May 16, 2007 (one year after what happened) the most beautiful, the most beautiful, the most fabulous and wonderful, I reach my arms, I I hugged and we cried so much happiness that God had kept me and reserved for that day.

Today Santi is almost a year old, he is a BEAUTIFUL, mischievous, intelligent and very agile child, I never imagined seeing him grow so soon, although although today I think I have no more children, it was difficult and it has been difficult this way, because a month and a half Born Santi received a surgery of 3 hernias; After this he receives another surgery at six months and believe me that it has not been easy.

Seeing him grow, walking and wanting to talk has made me understand how wonderful it is to know that a being who remained for 9 months inside my belly is MY SON.

Thanks Beib for giving me that greatest treasure, I love you.

Video: 20 FUNNY FACTS About PREGNANCY (May 2024).