Benefits of yoga for children

He practicing yoga is very beneficial for both the body and the mind, it helps to relax and put aside the stress of modern life and children do not escape the benefits they can have from the practice of this activity. Our Vitónica colleagues have prepared a note with many of the benefits that the smallest of the house can get with yoga.

Yoga helps them relax and know themselves. It is especially beneficial for children with hyperactive behaviors because it helps them channel their energy. For children who suffer from stress due to the current rhythm of life, it helps them to channel anxiety and fear, as it calms them, in addition to improving their mood.

Yoga improves aggressive behavior in children, so it is a very good practice to improve the social performance of children.

It helps them focus what can be very beneficial for their learning process.

From the body point of view, it gives them flexibility and elasticity, helps them develop motor skills and stimulate and activate different muscles, joints, glands and organs.

In addition, the practice of yoga is an activity that the child can find very fun, since many of the positions imitate different animals that can delight the little ones.

According to experts, children can perfectly start practicing yoga after 4 years and even earlier if the mother practices yoga.

Video: Yoga for Kids: Part I (July 2024).