Exercise in pregnancy: swimming

Continuing with our Special Pregnancy, today we stop at one of the exercises that can bring more benefits to the future mother, the swimming. Exercising in water is one of the most comfortable and effective ways to stay fit during pregnancy.

Swimming, along with other aquatic exercises such as aquagim or water exercises, resistance swimming or flexibility exercises, in addition to keeping the pregnant woman in shape will raise her mood by providing well-being in a little tired way and feeling agile and active. It is an exercise that, except for medical contraindication, we can perform until the time of delivery. There are many advantages of swimming during pregnancy.

  • Thanks to the effect of water, only one tenth is weighed than usual, which is great once gestation is advanced, when "dry" movements become increasingly difficult. Then, water allows us to exercise harder and longer without getting tired.
  • The horizontal position of swimming prevents a particular part of the body from being recharged: the effort is distributed in a balanced way.
  • Further, the joints They do not resent as much as they can do in exercises outside the water, so it is more difficult for lesions to appear.
  • Another advantage, especially for summer, is that water exercises they don't produce heat excessive if the water is not very hot, which would not be good either.
  • The future mother's cardiorespiratory system will improve thanks to aerobic activity.
  • Swimming can relieve pressure on the pelvic area, which brings several benefits involved. Be relieves pressure on the sciatic nerve, so it will be a huge advantage for pregnant women who have annoying sciatica. Pressure in the rectum is also relieved, so hemorrhoids will be reduced.
  • Back pain is also relieved by swimming, stretching movements, improved circulation and water massage on painful areas.
  • This improvement in circulation is also very beneficial for the problems of heavy legs, varicose veins and fluid retention, which will decrease thanks to swimming. Edema with all its consequences is one of the inconveniences of pregnancy that can be prevented and mitigated by swimming.
  • That the circulation in legs and arms is activated is also good to relieve the symptoms of the carpal tunnel, because the joints that narrow the tunnel are decompressed.
  • The swimming tone the muscles without forcing them and allows the joints to be released, keeping us flexible and strong for the final phase of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • In addition, it helps to control weight gain during pregnancy, since calories are burned more than we do not need.
  • The greater oxygenation of our blood also reaches, of course, the baby, so he or she will also notice well-being.
  • First of all, we must bear in mind that we will have to follow the dictates of our organization, yes, but also of our doctor You might consider that, although uncommon, the swimming exercise is not suitable for our case for some specific reason.

    Some pregnancies require particular precautions (cases of hypertension, heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, influenza, obesity, diabetes ...) and it will also be taken into account if the mother has been sedentary until then to have an adequate exercise plan. The medical specialist will authorize and advise the exercise to follow.

    And, in any case, swimming during pregnancy is an activity that we should enjoy in a relaxed way so that it is also pleasant for the baby and all its benefits become effective.

    Video: Pregnancy and exercise (May 2024).