Anti-stretch creams during pregnancy

The stretch marks they are quite frequent companions during pregnancies, since at that stage the woman's skin can stretch up to 10 times. However, with proper care, unsightly stretch marks can be avoided. Therefore we are going to list some of the anti-stretch creams We found in the market.

The fundamental components that we should look for in a good anti-stretch cream are the effective rosehip oil, the Asian sparkle that acts as a biostimulant, yoyoba and borage oils and vitamin E.

The key to the skin being hydrated, elastic and toned is also in frequent use of the anti-stretch creams from before even getting pregnant, and of course paying special attention during the final months, when the skin stretches very quickly.

During my pregnancy I used 2 different anti-stretch creams (the first 2 in the list below), and I used to apply them 2 times every day, once in the morning and once in the evening, both in the belly and in the breasts. Luckily, not a single one of these small scars has formed on my skin.

If the future mother is prone to gain weight, she should also apply the anti-stretch cream on legs and arms to prevent them in these areas.

These are some of the anti-stretch creams that we can find to apply on the skin of the pregnant woman to take care of her specifically in the prevention of stretch marks:

  • Trofolastín antiestrías, by E. Carreras.
  • Anti-stretch cream from Farma Dorsch (Fridda Dorsch laboratories).
  • AVENT anti-stretch body cream.
  • Mustela double action anti-stretch cream.
  • Roc Moisturizing anti-stretch cream.
  • Suavinex anti-stretch cream.
  • ISDIN Plus antiestrías.
  • Leti Antiestrías, from Leti laboratories.
  • Mothercare anti-stretch cream.
  • Clarins Anti-stretch Treatment.
  • Antiestrías emulsion of Prénatal.

Although there are many more creams and oils on the market, these are some of the ones we will find more easily, and their prices range between 12 and 30 euros, although there are some more expensive like Clarins or cheaper, like Mothercare.

In any case, we will always have to look at that they contain the components that I have listed above and that are the most effective in preventing the appearance of stretch marks and always be constant in their application.

Video: 12 Pregnancy Hacks No Stretch Marks, No Acne!!! GIVEAWAY (May 2024).