Your tastes in pregnancy will be those of your child

Most children opt for crazy greasy foods, such as hamburgers, pizzas ... Sometimes we find it really difficult to get the child not to eat certain foods and start to like healthier things like fruits and vegetables.

Now we know that perhaps the mothers themselves can be to blame for the culinary preferences of our children. Children tend to prefer foods that the mother ingested during pregnancy.

Babies, even inside the womb, experience the flavors and smells of the foods the mother takes and keeps them in her brain. When they are older, they remember these foods and are pleasant to them. Instead, those who do not know, rejects them.

The president of the National Congress of Community Nutrition confirms it. He also states that if the pregnant woman eats healthy food, her child will also eat fruits and vegetables when she is older because she will assume it as normal and her brain will be used to it.

So we already know what needs to be done, while we take care of ourselves, if we eat healthy during pregnancy we will also improve the health of our children.

Via | 20 minutes In Babies and more | Manual of feeding in pregnancy In Babies and more | Babies have a preference for certain foods even before birth

Video: Can my baby taste in the womb? Nourish with Melanie #59 (July 2024).