A quarter of pregnant women have cravings

Is craving during pregnancy a myth or a reality? The truth is that today it has not yet been scientifically proven. What is confirmed by medical studies is that the birthmarks of babies have no relation to cravings.

According to the Women's Care Group of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine, cravings are "a compulsive desire to eat certain foods and to reject others."

The truth is that according to this group 25 percent of pregnant women say they have cravings and in addition 26 percent of them consider them as a physiological necessity. On the other hand, a quarter of them believe that they are simply a whim.

The reason for these impulsive desires could be the metabolic and hormonal alterations that the pregnant woman experiences, such as, for example, that the blood sugar level drops sharply and therefore it is necessary to eat sweet things, or to change the pH of the stomach and it is necessary Eat acidic foods.

If these desires are perceived, it is convenient to control them, since during pregnancy it is necessary to have a balanced diet and control the calories ingested each day. For this reason, these whims can be allowed but always without abusing them.

Remember that a woman at the end of her pregnancy should gain between 11 and 16 kilograms in a progressive manner, approximately one to two kilos in the first trimester and after 300 to 400 grams per week.

Via | Europa press On Babies and more | I have a craving!!