Causes of crying babies: hunger

Babies have to cry, but don't let them cry. Crying is your form of communication to convey or express needs or discomfort. Both circumstances are inevitable, but it is avoidable that the child suffers for them. Know how to identify possible causes of baby crying I hope it helps parents, especially first-timers.

Hunger is the first cause of crying baby We are going to analyze.

When the baby cries the parents worry and look for solutions that calm this expression of restlessness. They will not always be able to do something, but many times, when they are discarding causes, they will be able to offer the child what he is asking.


Hunger is the most common cause of crying and we must always be ready to calm down. When a baby is hungry, only the milk will calm him down, even if he can get distracted by sucking a pacifier or by cradling his arms. That distraction is worth a few minutes, what you need is milk and it must be given.

When he is hungry The crying is severe and acute alternately and with a slow and fast rhythm also alternately. He will take a breath and if we talk to him he can usually control himself and look at us. You can bite your hands and twist them in your mouth. If we show him the food, the chest or the bottle, his cries quickly transform into a grunt of satisfaction. Obviously, even if you calm down briefly when taking it in your arms, what will make you feel good is eating.

Remember that all these old guidelines on the duration of the shots do not respond to the real physiology of breastfeeding: breastfeeding is on demand, which implies that it must be given whenever the baby wants it and especially whenever the baby asks for it crying, forgetting if he suckled half an hour ago or three years ago.

Breast milk is rapidly digested and a baby, especially in its first months, should be the one to establish when the intake should be and how long it should last. The formula to spoil breastfeeding is to establish schedules, because breastfeeding is a natural mechanism that is regulated with demand. The child asks for the breast he needs and through suction he manages to produce the amount he needs.

When the so-called "three-month crisis" arrives, babies increase their demand to get the mother to produce more milk.

Do not get carried away by restlessness if the time between shots decreases, in a few days, if we breastfeed when the baby asks for it, day and night, production will stabilize. Feeding a bottle at that time, thinking that it will calm your hunger, only leads to a decrease in production and difficulties in breastfeeding thereafter.

The bottle, although it seems otherwise, is also on demand. Canister milk will also be requested by the child according to their needs, sometimes more continuous, sometimes more spaced, and in each case the need for the amount that the child wishes to ingest, without forcing or worrying if the child does not finish, must be respected. alleged amount stipulated for their age.

Can we always satisfy the baby's hunger?

The answer should be yes. Keep in mind that the baby feeling hungry It cannot be compared to ours. We, first, have energy reserves, and second, we know how to wait. They do not, hunger is triggered when their tiny stomach is empty and their available energy level drops. Failure to meet a demand for food is very painful for them and triggers uncontrollable crying.

If we give the chest We have it simpler, just offer it, preferably before the crying crisis begins. The child, before crying from hunger, begins to show signs of wanting to breastfeed, biting his hands, expressing restlessness or looking for the breast if he is in arms.

That is why it is important that society be prepared to accept that a baby is wherever she is, no convention or modesty can be more powerful than the mammalian nature of our children. Civilization is not denying the needs of babies, whether we are in a restaurant, in a meeting or in a town hall. If the baby wants a tit, it is necessary to remove the tit without leaving, if we do not want it, to any hidden room.

The Babby bottle

If our baby is fed with feeding bottle We cannot always have the milk prepared, so planning the outlets is important, since the milk prepared at the right temperature is an optimal growth broth for bacteria. Ideally, the bottle should be prepared at the same time that we will provide it.

I remember when my son took bottles, the first two months of his life, they were distressing those five minutes until he had it ready. Enough with those five minutes to decompensate us and, in my case, to end the kitchen made a mess when everything spilled for wanting to go faster than I could.

For that there are no specific tips, every mom and dad have to know how to plan and always have all the necessary elements to prepare the bottle when the child is going to be hungry, knowing that we can not always get ahead of their needs or insist on eating If you are not hungry.


Hunger can be the child's first cause of crying, especially if we assume that for infants the clocks do not exist and the amounts they will ingest will be, in each case, those that their bodies ask for.