Breastfeeding is good for the mother's heart

The title of the post has been nice, because in addition to breastfeeding is good for the emotional health of the mother, and of course for the baby, several studies have also shown that breastfeeding protects the mother's heart, and curiously also the baby.

Research already existed in this regard, but a very large study conducted in the United States with more than 100,000 women has concluded that breastfeeding for 23 months, that is, almost 2 years, reduces the risk that the mother may suffer by 23% a coronary heart disease

The proportion of women who breastfeed the 24 months recommended by WHO is a minority, but the benefits on the mother's coronary health remain even if the breastfeeding time is shorter. However, the longer you breastfeed, the more protection you will have against cardiovascular risks.

The explanation would be in the ability of breastfeeding to alter the metabolism of lipids and glucose and the ability to mobilize body fat stores, which results in a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease, one of the main causes of death of western women.

In turn, breastfeeding the children has been linked to a lower risk of diabetes for the mother and the increase in the so-called good cholesterol. Both factors also contribute to lower cardiac risk.

As you can see, breastfeeding is not a fad or a crusade, but simply the most natural and beneficial way to feed the baby, with countless advantages both for the health of the woman and for the child who is breastfed.