What water is best for babies and children (IV): bottled water

For three entries we talked about water (you did not imagine that something colorless, tasteless and colorless would give for so much right?) And in this fourth we will end the topic watching Which brands of bottled water are best suited for babies.

As we saw in the previous entry, the main risk for babies and children is the mineralization of water. The lower in minerals the better assimilable is for them.

Once we choose the water, we must bear in mind that the use of bottled water is not recommended after 24 hours of opening. That is why we should consume the same water as them. Before entering the subject I want to show the table again with the recommendations to take it as a reference:

Now, let's answer the question: What bottled waters are best suited for babies?

Then I leave a table with the characteristics of all the waters that are suitable for babies from birth:

The following are bottled waters that are suitable, according to the recommendations in the table commented above, for babies from 6 months:

And finally all those that, or are not adequate, or there are not enough data to classify it in any of the age groups mentioned.

Video: WARNING! Don't Drink Another Bottle of Water until you watch this. . (May 2024).