Constipation during postpartum

After childbirth, the first defecation is usually made to wait a few days, and as time progresses this constipation usually causes emotional stress. Constipation during postpartum occurs due to several physiological and psychological factors that prevent the normal functioning of intestinal transit. We'll see the reasons for this postpartum constipation and the tips to overcome it.

Factors that cause postpartum constipation

  • The abdominal muscles that help with elimination have been distended during childbirth, becoming facid and temporarily ineffective.
  • It is possible that, in addition, the intestine itself has been traumatized by childbirth and has become lazy.

  • Constipation also influences the fact that pregnancy and childbirth increase the pressure in the anal region and this increases the possibility of hemorrhoids appearing or intensifying. The pain they cause during postpartum can cause us to involuntarily retain due to the fear of going to the bathroom.

  • And it is that probably the most potent inhibitors of intestinal activity after childbirth are psychological: the fear of pain, the low intimacy in the hospital, the fear that the points will open if we have had an episiotomy, or the pressure on the mother to evacuate ("until you go to the bathroom do not leave the hospital" and niceties of that kind)…
  • About 50% of pregnant women suffer constipation at some time during pregnancy. This propensity makes it likely that at some point in the postpartum period there are also difficulties to evacuate at a normal rate.
  • In addition, it should be taken into account that during the first evacuation after delivery it can also be delayed because, in general, the intestine is empty at the time of delivery if a mother was washed or washed with enema, or if It was evacuated during the expulsion phase.
  • Sedentary lifestyle usual in the first days after childbirth does not favor intestinal transit, so, although it costs us a great effort, it is recommended to start the walks as soon as possible. An inactive body favors an inactive intestine.

Tips to relieve postpartum constipation

  • We have just given the first key to the recovery of normal intestinal functioning: physical activity. We do not mean, of course, to run through the halls. But you have to try to get out of bed as soon as possible, walk with the baby, move your legs ...
  • Kegel exercises, which can be performed practically after childbirth and from the same bed, will help tone, not only the perineum, but also the rectum.
  • But if there is something that can help us to go to the bathroom, apart from the movement, to get out of bed and walk, it is a varied diet rich in fiber. In general we talk about whole grains, vegetables, vegetables, fruits (plums, kiwis, apricots ...) and legumes, which we must select in abundance from the hospital menu.
  • And of course, good hydration It is essential: drink lots of fluids. In addition to helping to soften stool in case of constipation, we will compensate for the loss of fluids after delivery.

If we have suffered a C-section, the last two sections are more complicated to start as soon as possible, since both getting into bed and the normal diet are delayed due to the intervention. Anyway, I remember that on my first birth, which was a caesarean section, on the third day I asked to have kiwi, very rich in fiber, introduced to my diet; In the end they brought them from home and before leaving the hospital after five days I had already gone to the bathroom.

The regularity of the system is not achieved without effort, but it cannot be extended indefinitely. So, if none of the above measures have worked, we must ask for medical help to resolve constipation. The specialists will advise us, and if they consider it necessary they could recommend stool softeners or natural laxatives, although if we are breastfeeding we will be warned that the laxative effect could pass the baby through the milk.

We do not have to worry if the first evacuation is delayed, because that concern could aggravate the problem. Postpartum constipation is a normal situation and it always ends up disappearing, sooner or later. We should not worry if, once the first bowel movements have been achieved, we will suffer constipation again at some other time during the first weeks after delivery.

Finally, the first bowel movements will be painful, although little by little, as the stool softens and we recover the regular intestinal function, the discomfort will disappear and postpartum constipation It will remain in the memory.

Video: I'm still constipated at 4 weeks postpartum. What can I do? (July 2024).