Nursery babbles, another reborn baby shop

On different occasions we have brought you the creations of a technique called "reborn art" that tries to reproduce as realistically as possible the appearance of babies of flesh and blood. Babbling Nursery is a reborn baby shop where we find various creations.

From what we have commented on Babies and more, I am not the only one to whom these dolls produce some restlessness, it is something disturbingly difficult to explain. But the reborn are quite successful, so much so that as we see stores and people specialized in creating and selling them proliferate. That is, they have these reborns They have their demand.

Nursery babble is from the reborn artist Raquel Recuero, and you can buy babies that are already created waiting to "be adopted" choose a personalized baby to everyone's taste. In that case, we can choose the color of the eyes, the hair, the appearance of the baby, if we want him to have his eyes open or closed ...

The process begins with a simple doll that is modified until it becomes an almost real-looking baby. The veins, capillaries, lips, eyelids, redness, blushes are painted and the folds are highlighted. The doll is pedicured and manicured, and hair is implanted in the head and eyelids hair by hair.

As we read on the website of Nursery babbles, the bodies are made of rag and filled with soft material and weight placed in such a way that it adopts all the postures of a real baby and in order to take it in arms it is an experience as close to reality.

In section "Available babies" are the dolls already finished for immediate delivery, and in each one we have the "biographical" data in the style of:

This is the little Alice born on April 2, has weighed at birth 2,300 gr. and measures 43 centimeters.

What I was telling you, disturbing. Babies are sent with diaper, baby set, magnetized pacifier and even a little box with the lock of hair from their first haircut (?); and, if she is a girl, she also goes next to a hair bow and bracelet. As we see, Babbling Nursery also takes care of all the details in his dolls to look like a real baby. What the website does not offer are the prices of these reborn dolls, although we imagine that they will not be cheap at all.

Official Site | Babbu Nursing In Babies and more | They look like babies but they are not real: reborn, identical dolls to newborns, Nursery: art sample of almost real babies, Camille Allen's baby sculptures

Video: New REBORN UNBOXING Bonnie Brown Twin A by Reborn Artist Emily Reed of Doe a Deer Nursery (July 2024).