Gifts on children's fast food menus will be prohibited

We have just learned that the Ministry of Health has set out to face childhood obesity through a bill that, among other things, prohibit the delivery of gifts with food.

Specifically, it is article 46 of the law that speaks of these types of promotions that encourage children to consume compulsively. Says so: "The delivery of prizes, gifts, bonuses or the like as methods linked to the promotion or sale of food is prohibited".

Of course, the two main fast food chains that we all know, McDonald's and Burger King have already shouted in the sky in defense of their Happy Meal and Diverking that always hide inside a little gift and excessive calories.

Given the growing number of cases of childhood obesity, which by the way Spain goes to the European head, it is essential that the authorities take measures regarding incentives and “commercial pressures” on the consumption of unhealthy foods.

Nobody says not to eat a Happy Meal every so often, but avoid the temptation to eat by receiving a gift. As we have said, it is not convenient to reward children with food.

The law will not only prohibit gifts on children's menus, but also "It will prohibit the sale of foods with a high content of saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, salt and simple sugars, either through vending machines or in canteens, bars or similar premises located inside the school centers."

In addition, it forces nursery schools (some already do) to specify "Legibly the menu, as well as the main calories and nutrients of food and drinks, including those ingredients that can cause allergies."

I believe that all parents understand that these measures are necessary to fight against childhood obesity. But it is also in our hands to instill healthy habits to combat it such as exercising, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and offering them a balanced diet.

What do you think of the bill?