The most curious photos of the Magi

When the gifts that Your Majesties of the East have left us are newly unwrapped and the horse rides have just made an appearance in many corners of our countries, here we compile some Curious photos of the Magi.

Not all photographs with the Magi are current. Surely we all keep some snapshot of our childhood these days. Here we rescued one of a few years ago with a rather… indefinite style. Between the pop and the Kitsch, a very peculiar image, with a Wizard King touched with a jester hat and a page with a clown wig and miniskirt. Of course, the cute children with those coats that many have worn ...

I do not say that the costumes of the Kings are colorful, their social status justifies the gold and jewelry ornaments in their outfits, even a feather. But is it necessary to make them up like drag queens? In this picture maybe about the glitter of the face and the red carmine ...

Intruders in the Cavalcade of the Kings. This float full of little Dads Noeles, the adversary of the Kings, realizes a certain hodgepodge capable of confusing the most naive minds. Also in the second image we see a float plagued by Dads and Moms Noeles, with Rudolf himself pulling her. What will the camels of the Kings think?

Photos of malojavio on Flickr.

I liked the following image because it represents many children with the Kings (and none seems scared), but it is that right in front of us we have the figures of the birth in Bethlehem: the ox and the donkey, Mary, Saint Joseph, the baby Jesus and even an angel. I do not say that the ox, the donkey and the child, but, already put, would it not have been better if the other components of the Bethlehem were also "living"? I find this combination somewhat strange ...

Attention, because if you wonder why there is a multicolored lifeguard that hangs from the star, you have missed a detail. It is not such, but it is about King Baltasar's hat. It is that here we have a sample of a frequent specimen in the Baltasares of our parties: they have painted it so black that it merges with the background.

A few anachronisms. I am shocked to see the Kings with watches or talking on the mobile phone. Or these instruments of modern invoice, typical of a current music group, in the ride. Surely there are also that advance to the sound of disco or cod... but I would prefer carols and traditional instruments.

We want true black kings. Photos of King Baltasar dyed and totally fake in his skin color are there to bore you. However, I have chosen these in which you see all the components of the entourage of the black king colored like melted conguitos. With the people of color in our cities, they could already be "true"!

Photos of A. on Flickr.

On the other end, there are the Baltasares dyed like the blight, in a waterproof black as implausible as the one that shows white skin peeking out of the neck or after the sweat trickles. And, what can never be disguised, the place around the eyes, that will always give them away. Is there anything that fades these faces? Then we are surprised that the little ones are afraid of the Kings when they approach to pick up their gift ...

Beware of caramelazos. We get to the other side of the ride, in the place of the public, where there is a curious sample of attendees. From children struggling desperately to catch some candy on the fly to mothers who do not know how to protect their baby from these projectiles ...

We hope this selection of curious photos of the Magi have fun. They just pretend to be that, an entertainment, and I congratulate their protagonists for going out on horseback riding and participating in the tradition. And you know, today begins the countdown to be good and that next year His Majesties are as generous as this ...