Does Crianza Natural close its forum?

Motherhood and fatherhood have found in recent years a new way to share experiences and knowledge: internet. Through different virtual communities families have created ties between them and have found themselves in these virtual support groups. Of them the best known, related to parenting attachment or "attachemen parentig" has undoubtedly been the Natural Parenting Forum, which has announced its closure.

The number of users of the Natural Parenting Forum, held by the store of the same name, is huge. In addition, from the page, many initiatives have been developed that we have echoed in Babies and more.

I started my motherhood with this space as a meeting point and many of my experiences are linked to its development. I would not be the mother or the person I am without him. I made great friends, learned, saved my breastfeeding and embarked on a learning path that has led me to deepen child psychology and other aspects of pregnancy and childbirth.

The Natural Parenting Forum It has been an element of enormous importance for thousands of families who have been positively influenced by contact with others and I think that we can definitely say that through that space, the lives of many children are better. It has contributed to change the world.

The forums and other virtual communities suffer problems due to the different opinions about the internal organization or concrete situations. In this case, the Natural Parenting forum has announced its closure due to these reasons.

There are several articles on the web about this fact, especially the one on the blog “My health in network”, written by Delia, a regular user of Babies and more, and a Facebook group that asks for its reopening.

I undoubtedly hope that this closure is temporary and that soon you can continue going to the Natural Parenting Forum, a space run by two people, Ramón and Rosa, to whom I have enormous affection and respect. They helped me to be the mother and the person that I am.

Official site | Natural Aging