The overwhelming message of a mother to the vaccines, after getting sick her two children of whooping cough

The whooping cough is a respiratory illness that can become very serious in infants and young children, as unfortunately we have seen on several occasions in which we have echoed its terrible consequences.

Montse Pulido is the mother of two children who have contracted pertussis, and has wanted to share the painful experience they are living through the publication of a thread on their Twitter account that has quickly been viralized, and in which it launches a strong message to the anti-vaccines.

"You don't know the helplessness it feels to see your children suffer because of the irresponsibility of others"

Montse is the mother of two four-year-old and four-month-old children who is living a nightmare because of whooping cough, a respiratory disease caused by bacteria It can be very serious and even fatal in infants and young children.

Several members of his family have contracted the disease, but since they were vaccinated the effects have been minor and more bearable. But nevertheless, the worst part has been taken by her children: an immunocompromised child and a baby who has not yet been able to complete the entire vaccine schedule.

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The woman has published a thread on Twitter, which has also been echoed by pediatrician Lucía Galán, telling the hard experience they are suffering and making all those who are against vaccines reflect with their words:

Hello #antivacunas
My immunosuppressed 4-year-old son has been diagnosed with whooping cough. My 4-month-old baby has also been infected.
I just stopped by to invite you to spend 24 hours in my house and see the reality of having to fight with a disease that, with vaccination, would not exist #abrohilo

- Montse Pulido (@monspk) January 9, 2019

I had thought about uploading a video where you see a cough attack from my oldest son, but you are going to forgive me, it turns out that when they come, I have enough to try to help with the drowning, vomiting and exhaustion that leaves each coughing attack .

- Montse Pulido (@monspk) January 9, 2019

Two or three months await us in spite of the treatment. Endless nights in which it is impossible to sleep, days without being able to go to school, running or laughing too much to avoid coughing attacks. Days watching him with a magnifying glass when eating cough makes it attractive.

- Montse Pulido (@monspk) January 9, 2019

And the baby? Do not cough so much, but stop breathing, so rest is unthinkable.It must be incorporated 24 hours.In your case we have gotten rid of the income thanks to the fact that I got vaccinated.Who knows if tmb has saved her life. As @luciapediatra says it turns out YES, #vaccineswork

- Montse Pulido (@monspk) January 9, 2019

Actually we have infected several at home, but we are vaccinated and in us it is easily bearable. But you don't know the helplessness it feels to see your children suffer because of the irresponsibility of others. Vaccines work, save lives and give quality of life!

- Montse Pulido (@monspk) January 9, 2019

So dear # anti-vaccinations ... come and when you see the reality, look my children in the eye and talk again about vaccination and supposed plots of pharmaceutical companies. Greetings.

- Montse Pulido (@monspk) January 9, 2019

Whooping cough, especially severe in children

The whooping cough is a respiratory disease which, at the beginning, is a simple cold with mucus and cough. However, as the days pass the cough not only does not disappear, but it happens in sudden and strong accesses that cause respiratory distress and vomiting.

In Babies and more, they make public a heartbreaking video of your baby's last days with pertussis to raise awareness about vaccination

The disease is very contagious and is caused by the bacteria Bordetella Pertussis It is transmitted through exhaled respiratory droplets when breathing and speaking, and by contact through the hands.

Whooping cough is very annoying in adults, but it is much more so in the children who suffer the worst consequences. In them it is especially dangerous and may cause respiratory failure and cyanosis (bluish skin due to lack of oxygen), hospitalization being necessary on some occasions, and becoming fatal in others.

They were vaccinated, but no vaccine protects 100%

Perhaps, after reading this mother's thread, it has caught your attention that although the whole family was vaccinated, they have been infected.

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As she explains in her Twitter account, her four-year-old son has a immune system disease which requires an immunosuppressive treatment that leaves you without defenses, which makes despite being vaccinated of everything Do not create antibodies and have contracted this disease.

For its part, and as we said at the beginning, the four-month-old baby has not yet been able to complete the entire vaccination schedule included in the official calendar, so it is not yet properly protected, even though Montse was also vaccinated against pertussis during pregnancy.

But the truth is that there is no 100% effective vaccine, and that is why it is so important to keep the population's vaccine coverage elevated, and to insistently report the risks of not vaccinating. In Babies and more Not vaccinating is crazy: vaccines save lives

In the specific case of pertussis vaccine, and as we can read on the website of the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the AEP, effectiveness is less than expected, and its protection lasts a short time. That is why it is administered so often during childhood and that doctors recommend administer booster dose in adolescence and adult stage.

In addition, it is shown that the best strategy to protect the newborn baby from this disease It is vaccinating the mother during pregnancy, as it has been seen that cases of pertussis in infants decrease by up to 33 percent, hospitalizations up to 38 percent and deaths up to 39 percent.

In Babies and more, who died of pertussis, a one-month-old baby even though her mother was vaccinated during pregnancy

Therefore, We insist on the importance of vaccinating our children, both during childhood and adolescence, and also vaccinate as adults to continue to maintain group immunity among all and protect those who need it most.

Photos | Pixabay

Video: Proven Practices for Increasing Vaccine Rates in Adults and Pregnant Women (July 2024).