Dads and moms blogs (XII)

As every Tuesday, we review some of the content offered by the moms and dads blogs that we usually frequent on the internet. This week I bring you a lot of interesting, fun, enriching links.

A blog that I am always happy to read is that of the child psychologist Violeta Alcocer, Go through the mirror. In his last entry he does not talk about children but about the other side of pregnancy, or something like "what is not always told about pregnancy". It does not attempt to give a negative view of pregnancy, much less, but "a realistic and adult vision" about personal situations, moods, fears and truncated expectations that make pregnancy a not so ideal state.

Interestingly, in I like being a mom They also talk about pregnancy, ideal state? Mamareciente, its author, is recently pregnant (worth the redundancy) and shares her discomfort and concerns about her new state.

In Intercomadres I found a very interesting article on a topic that worries parents of babies a lot: sleep. In Improving sleep, the nurse Jorge Díaz Sáez explains everything that parents should know about sleep in the little ones, how it works and how it evolves, in order to better understand this basic need of the human being. Only through understanding will we improve the baby's sleep. Regarding the subject, for parents concerned about the continuous waking of their baby, you can consult a recent post I have published on Why does the baby wake up at night more than before?

With absolute naturalness he tells us a Mom without complexes What has happened A year without a diaper. Share the experience on how your baby has left the diaper a year ago, with two years and two months. Many parents will feel identified with that feeling, of freedom on the one hand for stopping changing diapers and tension on the other for having to be aware all the time to take it to the bathroom.

About the volcanic ash cloud that collapsed European air traffic last week, in My life with children I have read a very curious comparison according to which children are to life as a couple what the cloud of ashes to air traffic. It's short but very funny ... what do you think about the comparison?

We have boobs, is obviously a blog about breastfeeding. There they have echoed a very exhaustive and interesting article published by the prestigious Ecologist Magazine entitled "Suck on this! The shocking truth about the baby junk food industry" (Shock this! The shocking truth about the child junk food industry) . It is blunt and devastating with artificial feeding formulas.

If you walk around I arrive at the end of the month, the blog with savings tips from Carrefour, you will find a handmade and very economical idea that I am sure many will take advantage of: how to make a baby changing table for home.

Finally, for you to spend an entertaining time, you can read in Dad Wolf stories a very entertaining reflection on Children & restaurants, according to him two incompatible things that should not be mixed.

Video: Parents At Age 12. Britain's Youngest Mums and Dads (May 2024).