Exclusivity, meaning and tradition, what is most taken into account when choosing the name of the baby

The characteristics that parents take into account when choosing the name of their children are exclusivity, meaning and tradition. Carrying the name of a family member still matters, as well as the recommendations of family and friends. As for the moment of choosing it, most decide it throughout pregnancy.

These are the main conclusions of the survey 'How did you choose the baby's name?' that we launched last week in Babies and more.

Other information to highlight is that specialized books and the internet are the most consulted sources, after family and friends, while the personality characteristics attributed to the name is what most inspires parents to choose the name of their children.

Family traditions and inheritance

Of all respondents, 25.3% wanted to preserve the family tradition. Half have given their children the name of the father or mother (that is, of themselves) while the other half has wanted to pay homage to a family member by naming the baby.

On the other hand, 3.4% have sought otherwise, a new name in the family to break the family tradition of bearing the name of the father, mother or any other person in the family.

Exclusivity, the most wanted

When we looked at the quality that mattered most to parents who had their child's name, 38.8% of respondents responded that exclusivity, followed by the loudness with 13%.

10.5% did not want to go around and have given simplicity importance when choosing the name of the baby.

Fashion names rather try to avoid them since only 2.1% responded that they have given their children popular names.

The opinion of family and friends counts

A 24,3% of the parents consulted has responded that for the election of the name it has been based on the recommendations from family and friends. Some have told us really curious methods such as point systems awarded by family and friends.

Behind this way of choosing the name, the internet is placed as the most consulted source followed by specialized books.

The meaning of the name, the most taken into account

A 35% of the parents surveyed has pointed out the meaning of the name as the most taken into account at the time of the election. It is clear that as it sounds or as exclusive as it may be, the meaning of the name prevails in the decision.

Within this group, the majority, 36% have chosen for the personality characteristics attributed to the name.

They are followed, with 25%, the responses of the parents who attributed the choice to which is the name of a historical / mythological character and then those who have chosen names of religious and famous people (artists, writers, actors), with 16% each.

On the other hand, also within the group of parents that has given priority to the meaning of the name, 8% have valued the meaning of the name related to a place, or that it was a Basque, Catalan, Aragonese name, etc., or that it was related in some way to the land of origin.

Birth date

The decision of the baby's name is no longer left to the saint. Only 2.9% have chosen the name because a religious holiday coincides with the date of birth of the child.

A decision made in pregnancy

As soon as a couple finds out that they are going to be parents, the search for the baby's name begins.

He 64% of the parents surveyed answered that they have chosen the child's name During pregnancy, 31% had already decided before conceiving it, even some before meeting their partner, while the remaining 5% decided the baby's name after birth.