Sexual education guide for parents of young children

Many times parents feel disoriented about how to talk about sexuality with our children. The Ministry of Education has edited a sex education guide for parents of young children, but also for teachers and caregivers, which can be very useful to know how to address this issue.

The Guide 'Sex education in early childhood' It is a document that can be downloaded for free in pdf. It contains 122 pages with all kinds of information related to the affective-sexual education of children, from how we should act on these issues (naturally, without theaters), through affectivity, sociability, how children live sex and Sex games in childhood.

I have taken a look and saved it to print because it seems very important that parents are as prepared as possible to guide our children in the development of their sexuality.

Sexuality is from the beginning of our lives. If we lay the foundation for healthy sexuality since childhood, we will be contributing to making your personal relationships happier both in the present and in the future.

If you have children over six years old, two more guides on sexuality in older children have also been published.