Europe refuses to extend Maternity Leave to 20 weeks

The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council of the European Union decided yesterday that the European Parliament's request to extend in all member states the Maternity leave at 20 weeks was unreasonable and should be rejected.

This bad news for european families It was justified by explaining that the current situation is not adequate given the financial burdens that this entails and that the measure did not respect the rules of the different Member States.

The original Commission proposal is maintained, which means that in the European countries the minimum duration of Maternity permission It must be between 14 and 18 weeks, which implies that there will be no changes in the situation of Spanish mothers, who already have a 16-week permit.

Despite understanding the complicated situation of the Economy, I cannot help but regret this decision that, once again, puts short-term interests and economic issues above the primary needs of babies, who are the ones who have the greatest protection they deserve and that, without a doubt, they should be able to be with their mothers full time for an adequate time, which is, in my opinion, a minimum of six months.

Are you satisfied with the decision of Do not extend the Maternity Leave to 20 weeks What has the Government of Europe taken?