"Innocence radical", a book by Elsa Punset

I have finished Elsa Punset's book "Radical Innocence" and of course I recommend it to everyone. It is a very beautiful work, in its content, in its objective and also in the style used, which reveals the emotions and strategies that, due to the attention received in childhood, we developed to relate to life.

All parents want to educate and raise our children so they can be healthy emotionally and happily. And this book offers us the explanations that show us the mechanisms by which children can lose that "radical innocence" with which they reach the world.

“We are born innocent. No mixed emotions, no doubt, no fear, no lies. We arrived to discover, to share, smooth, bright and consistent. Vulnerable but still open to the world, animated by a resounding and radical curiosity, endowed with the passion to live and a range of basic emotions that we share, to a greater or lesser extent, with other living beings, with other species. They are the gifts of the dawn of each life, a life that comes with a look full of curiosity and confidence. ”

We can even download the first chapter on the page of "Radical Innocence" by Elsa Punset, and I assure you, that by reading these pages you will want to continue to deepen this path towards self-knowledge and the way in which we can influence, positively or negatively, the development of the personality of our children.

Official site | Radical Innocence
In Babies and more | "Compass for emotional navigators", book by Elsa Punset