Book: "Appetizing recipes for when you don't feel like eating anything"

Surely you have seen on more than one occasion in the following situation: the child goes through gastroenteritis and has no appetite. In addition, the right diet may not be too attractive ... book "Appetizing recipes for when you don't feel like eating anything (due to gastroenteritis)" It can be useful for this to happen to a lesser extent.

The work, written by the Doctor Santiago Rosales, you can read on-line from "The pediatrician's blog", and provides valuable information for concerned parents. It offers us some tips and recipes to treat and combat the expenditure of infants and preschoolers, the most susceptible to severe dehydration due to this disease.

The author of the book, Dr. Santiago Rosales Vidal-Quadras, is a founding member of the Spanish Association of Medical Text Editors and a member of the EMWA (European Medical Writers). With a familiar style, it unravels all the "mysteries" of gastroenteritis: what they are, what are their symptoms, causes and types, the risks and their treatment.

After this interesting introduction, exposed with clarity, conciseness and in a register accessible to everyone, comes the section of appetizing recipes. In turn, this one has the big sections: "Recipes for infants and preschoolers" and "Recipes for schoolchildren and adults".

The one that interests us is the first one, which begins by remembering that the baby who drinks breast milk should continue to drink it, and that if repeated vomiting occurs, you should go to the pediatrician.

Then, the recipes, with foods such as rice, apple, banana or carrots as protagonists, combined in many ways, with photographs, ingredients, cases for which the recipe is appropriate and steps to follow.

It is a work sponsored by a brand of serum, but in my opinion it does not detract from any value, because the recommendation appears on a couple of occasions and quite explicitly (there is a section at the end of the work with the brand title, which is an advertisement).

In short, the book "Appetizing recipes for when you don't feel like eating anything (due to gastroenteritis)" You can get us out of trouble and give us ideas for our children's meals those days when they are bad.

And above all, I would recommend a lot of patience and love, without forcing the little ones to eat anything they don't want, avoiding improper foods, hydrating them a lot and going to the specialist before any worrying symptoms.