He was born with 23 weeks and 700 grams, and despite many complications, he managed to get ahead

Hanna Rose gave birth to George in the 23rd week of gestation and weighing birth was only 700 grams *.

After serious health problems, the doctors assured their parents that they would not survive on several occasions, but this brave baby has succeeded and is already at home.

Very little chance of survival

It is true that it is not the first time we have talked here about very premature children and that thanks to medical advances they made it through.

In Babies and more The world's most premature baby: born with 21 weeks and 425 grams and today is three years old

But the miracle of George, who was born in London on July 10, 2018, does not only mean that he was born at 23 weeks gestation with only 700 grams of weight, but also all the health problems he has had since his birth and that doctors branded as insurmountable. And, against all odds, he kept fighting for his life.

"During the birth we were denied monitors because they said that George was not going to survive, which means that if he stopped breathing at some point there would be no medical intervention. We spent four long days without knowing if our precious baby was going to get ahead. But against all prognosis lived, although with great difficulties ".

This is how Hanna, her mother's experience, tells in the GoFundMe account that they have opened as parents to be able to correct their child's physiotherapy expenses:

"We want George to have intense physiotherapy at the Bobath Center in London. Today he receives 40-60 minutes of physiotherapy every two weeks and we are also investigating whether brain cell transplantation and SDR surgery could benefit him."

A history of overcoming

His mother says that six days after birth George developed a bowel disease and had to have surgery. When performed, the surgeon accidentally cut his liver, which caused him to bleed. He had an emergency stoma and had numerous blood transfusions.

"It was 4 in the morning and they took their father Daniel and me to the room where they explained that George was not going to survive, that he had lost a lot of blood and that his body had entered into septic shock and that it was beginning to close" .

In that moment of anguish Hanna asked to be allowed to register her son's birth while he was still alive, because he wanted to have a happy memory of him. But "He strongly advised me not to leave his side because he was only going to live for a few hours. "

In Babies and moreA premature baby of 23 weeks and 760 grams manages to survive thanks to keeping it in a plastic bag with oxygen

He adds that they were told that they were going to remove his son's life support and that he would be taken to the room so that we could be alone with him.

"My baby had not yet opened her eyes or seen her mother or father, or managed to cry.", Hanna confesses that she was thinking in those moments.

Hanna states that "George's infection level was so high that the medical staff had never seen anyone survive with him."

But as the hours passed, while the parents waited for him to be baptized and his grandmothers arrived, he began to show a slight improvement. He was still struggling! The slightest hope gave us a new strength to fight with him.

George can get it

Unfortunately, because of that surgery George ran out of movement in arms and legs. An MRI showed that 75% of your cerebellum (the part of the brain responsible for balance and coordination) was severely damaged.

But despite all these problems, he has proven to everyone, including his doctors, that they were wrong, that he could get ahead.

In its only nine months of life, this little fighter has had to go through three more intestinal surgeries, more than 20 blood transfusions, four sepsis, meningitis, two eye surgeries, chronic lung disease and pulmonary hypertension, in addition to 11 ambulance trips , one by helicopter and admission to three different hospitals.

Therefore, with that history of overcoming behind him, his mother believes that "With the right help George will prosper, although early intervention is key".

Now, his parents explain they explain that they are at home waiting for their baby's seventh heart surgery.

Therefore, since today we celebrate the International Day of Congenital Heart Disease, it is a good excuse to think about this great fighter for a moment.

Because as their parents say, "Our child made it!" But you still have a long way to go and donations can help you recover.

Photos | GoFundme George's journey

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