Digital intelligence bits for three year olds

A few days ago we saw what the bits of intelligence are and, although there are many ways to elaborate them, we present some digital intelligence bits for three year olds.

The intelligence bits, although "sold" (and bought) a lot for babies, is not an exclusive resource for the little ones. As children have a greater knowledge of their environment, the complexity of information cards It can be enlarged.

At the age of three, children remain excellent learners, while they have already developed a certain linguistic ability and diverse interests. Each stimulus, of whatever type, helps the child's brain to form and helps him build his knowledge about the environment.

The authors of the intelligence bits for three-year-olds say that The program is created to support and even accelerate the child's development process, a program with validity and use not only in the school environment (both in Spanish and English) but also in the family environment.

It is a simple-to-use program that presents brief and fast visual and auditory digital information in the form of 750 bits of intelligence with the intention of improving children's mental development. To this are added many activities that will be done with the computer or with "pencil and paper", because there is the possibility of printing cards with each bit, to chop, color ...

There are four sections: images (the image of the concept is joined by the audio that pronounces the word, sorted by themes), numbers (from 1 to 60), words (for the older ones, as it is the spelling of each word , in lowercase, next to the audio) and the previous sections but in English.

It is interesting that there are "flash-cards" also in English, both for bilingual children and for those who have already started in a second language.

Apart from the “passive” exposure to the chips, we can make a series of activities, which is the most interesting section for children: choose (choose from the images the word we hear), guess (the same, but hide the images behind doors) and join (the images with their shadows).

The bits serve a series of fundamentals necessary for their effectiveness, such as present the concept without details, on white background, without distracting environment, with an adequate size… Although there are some in which the quality is not the desired one (for example, the parts of the head), in general they are very well achieved.

We have found the program in the web of the Institute of Educational Technologies of the Ministry of Education, where some interesting resources usually stay. This material has been prepared by teachers in Early Childhood Education, and the resource is accompanied by a didactic guide and a use guide to take advantage of all its possibilities.

The general objectives of the program are focused on:

  • Improve the attention and concentration of children in homework.
  • Respond to the curiosity and initiative of children.
  • Develop and stimulate memory.
  • Learn faster.
  • Contribute to the visual and auditory development of the child.
  • Get an adequate database of visual, linguistic, mathematical, ... in both Spanish and English.

Simply focusing on the second objective, the one that caters to the curiosity of children, is already worthwhile. The kids have fun watching and listening to these bits, or playing to solve the activities, and I wouldn't worry too much (in fact, nothing) about the routine instructions for repeating the bits and "recording" them in the child's brain. Your vocabulary naturally expands over time.

Anyway, we hope this digital mode of intelligence bits for three year olds They have encouraged you to experiment with these information cards, playing with the kids, and not only at the computer but also by creating our own cards. Soon we will return to the bits of intelligence to offer new ideas.

Video: Squirrely Dan's Relationship (May 2024).