Of emperors, tyrants and other evils

Yesterday we were talking about a story that circulated in various media, the increase in cases of emperor syndrome or children who mistreat their parents, an evil that joins others in our time and could have some points in common (not in all cases, of course).

Writing those lines came to mind another topic I discussed a while ago, "My son is hyperactive": when we seek a medical solution to our disability. And it is not surprising that in this society in which time is a scarce good, in which effort is not valued and in which family contact is devalued, these phenomena of which we speak occur.

It is clear that there are cases of hyperactive children (probably less than those diagnosed, although some paradoxically are not detected) and cases of children who mistreat their parents. But is there tyrant children (this term seems so inadequate ...), rude children, controlling children, impossible child ...?

"I can not more" is a phrase that many parents say, perhaps too late, when they go to psychologists, doctors or "Supernannys" (without equalizing) to find a desperate solution to the problem that in most cases only It is the result of our own mistakes as parents.

In most cases, fortunately, that "I can no more" is temporary (who has never said so), and there are no psychological problems that predispose the child to be hyperactive or violent with his parents, we can even be speaking simply of "children's things", not sick or upset. Sometimes it is as simple as "bad" children need good parents, they call their parents' attention for their shortcomings.

As we see, the environment favors parents abandoning their family functions, with other priorities, increasingly, relegating their children's education to areas other than family (or simply, and what is more serious, relegating their function without look for "substitutes"). And it is in that context where the multiplication of cases of emperor syndrome and other evils occurs.

Not to mention that cases of hyperactivity, emperor syndrome and other behavioral problems are merely a consequence of the family and social environment, as we have often seen that there are psychological factors involved in the "true" cases of these disorders.

After the data we saw yesterday about the increase of children who mistreat their parents, which are certainly worrying, we must not forget that, unfortunately, the number of abusive parents is much higherAnd, what is worse, there is no great social awareness that the harm that is being done to children is significant or even that it is harm.

That is why we must continue fighting, especially on these dates when we will celebrate International Children's Rights Day, also so that we do not have to continue talking about emperors, tyrants and other evils more than due.

Video: Tyrant & Mad Emperor Caligula, (July 2024).