What tricks do you use to prevent the flu and colds ?: the question of the week

Like every week today we are going to talk about the question of the week, proposing a question to give us your answers and taking a look at what we asked you last Wednesday, valuing what your answers are.

Tomorrow comes December and the cold, to date, seems to have respected us a lot. This has meant that the strongest is yet to come when it comes to diseases and that many mothers and fathers are already looking for remedies or tricks to prevent children from getting bad.

For this reason, to know what you use at home and extend it to other moms and dads, who can take ideas, we ask you:

What tricks do you use to prevent the flu and colds?

From today you have a week to go answering that question in the Answers section (if you reply here in this post the message will not be taken into account) and next Wednesday we will comment on the most voted or most interesting interventions.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you: What toy would you never give to your children? to see what you thought about it, now that Christmas is approaching, at which time the purchase of toys is typical.

The answers with the highest score in the votes were those of evoce and Gemma Hsc. Evoce tells us the following:

Just do not give away toys that are for the age of the child ... just that ... and as Gochita says that I totally agree not to give away toys from the cheapest Chinese that can in the long run be much more dangerous than guns or swords ... but as I said before, I would not give away anything that does not go according to the age of the child ... I think that of the barbies is something silly because if we do not want our children to learn to walk like the barbies, we should also not give them kitchens, or cleaning machines from home so they don't want to be aajajajaj house maids either.

And Gemma Hsc tells us this:

My little one is still small and out of toys that are not safe in principle I do not refuse something concrete. But the other day walking I saw a child in a Ferrari who was alone, we go a car made and right ... if it is hard to try outdoor activities to avoid getting hooked on TV or video games I do not like to give them something that first, it fosters very little his imagination (he imagines going in a Ferrari… exactly what he has, I don't see the grace) and then that allows us to burn energy or do any exercise. I think it's a horrible gift. Surely a simpler gift would make you imagine more and even have more fun.

On the other comments, barbies appear on several occasions and of course, war toys, with disparity of opinions. Also the toys that do all of them, not recommended, precisely because children do not have to do anything, just look (they should stop calling themselves toys to be called "miretes" ... sorry for the easy joke).

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: Cold or Flu Home Remedies (July 2024).