True 3D ultrasound: sculptures of the fetus

Recently Armando showed us the new 3D ultrasound with images of incredible precision, even if they are images captured on a paper surface or on a screen. But, How to give a true depth dimension to an ultrasound? With a sculpture of the fetus.

The Brazilian company Tecnología Humana 3D has developed a technique that makes it possible to convert 3D ultrasound into a mini-sculpture of the future baby. But, Why would someone want a sculpture of the fetus?

According to its creators, the project aims to help diagnose malformations or a better evaluation of complicated pregnancies. Although it seems to me that what does not allow to see the human eye (especially the eye of an expert) in a high precision ultrasound is hardly going to be detected by a computer that is the one that processes the ultrasound to transform it into sculpture.

In fact, if you look at the images of sculptures (some impress quite a bit) you will see how they are exact copies of the image, with their "gaps" or shadows that distort the "take" (if the baby moves a little it would have left otherwise in ultrasound-sculpture).

Sculptures of the fetus for blind parents

Another possible utility that their creators are promoting, and in this case I find it more interesting, is that the sculptures of the fetus would be of great help for blind parents to get to know their baby through touch before he is born Without a doubt, the wonderful experience of "contemplating" your baby for the first time is also possible in this way for them.

That illusion that most of us live with expectation, the first images of the baby, that squeeze our brains to see if we see something on the first ultrasound and then go on watching excited how the baby grows, maybe see him move, yawn, if he has many skirts or few, if all is well in his little body ... is a sensation that, if we do not see the ultrasound, we will not live in the same way.

And for people who can't see it, being able to "touch" the baby can get you closer to it and make you think of yourself as a mental image.

How are 3D ultrasound of the fetus born?

The sculptures are a creation of 3D Human Technology, which depends on the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Research and focuses its work on the printing or modeling of three-dimensional figures from different supports, including ultrasound. The project emerged with diagnostic purposes, although its creator immediately saw other possibilities.

"3D printers" are a reality that emerged in the late 1980s and have been perfected until today. Today, almost any image can become a three-dimensional figure thanks to this technology.

The price of these three-dimensional sculptures of the fetus depends on the size (they are made to natural size), but a replica of a 12-week fetus costs about 150 euros. They will not be as valuable as the bronze sculptures of the fetus that I saw some time ago, and perhaps less apt to be exposed (although I would not do it with the bronze sculpture), but more affordable. They are made of a type of resin, a material similar to plaster.

Anyway, if really these ultrasound-sculpture had a medical utility, even psychological or emotional for certain parents (I do not speak only of blind people, also those who have lost a baby), welcome, and at good prices.

What I would understand less is that this type of object adds to the "ultrasound-show", more and more frequent, and against which many medical professionals have positioned themselves. The temptation is great: despite the times, it seems that we are willing to do anything when we expect a baby.

In fact, we talked to you a while ago about a Japanese company that was committed to making similar sculptures of the fetus as a gift: they were even presented in a small box with bow. Personally, I do not like this type of "figurines" to decorate anything (as I said before), but anyway, there are tastes for everything ...

What do you think about these 3D ultrasound, true sculptures of the fetus? Will they become a useless fashion (even, to many it might seem in bad taste) or will it be limited to more conscious uses?

Official Site | 3D Human Technology In Babies and more | What type of ultrasound is better, Ultrasound in pregnancy, Curious gift for pregnant women: a replica of the fetus

Video: ABQ company creates baby sculptures from 3D ultrasounds (July 2024).