Dismantling Estivill: June 29, World Happy Dream Day

The next June 29 has been declared the First World Day of Happy Dream, and the initiative, also, with the motto Dismantling Estivill, has not emerged from any official agency, but from more than 1000 fathers and mothers who have decided to conduct a public campaign of information and awareness about the child's natural needs and the scientific studies that reflect them.

The great power of social networks and the blogosphere is allowing fathers and mothers from all over the world to share experiences and knowledge, but it also gives them a very powerful tool to influence society and transmit their ideas in an organized way. This First World Day of Happy Dream It represents this power and this commitment.

The initiative World Happy Dream Day wants to make a campaign that demonstrates with scientific data the arguments of these supposed media experts who defend behavioral methods that interfere in the natural process of children's sleep, causing suffering and making parents believe that the dream is learned and that if the child He does not sleep alone in his crib and without asking for attention, problems will be caused.

Numerous experts point out that training in sleep and letting children cry can cause them emotional and physiological damage, and that, on the contrary, children need to be cared for whenever they need it and that it is normal for them to wake up and ask for company . In Babies and more you can find numerous articles that also disassemble Estivill.

The organizers of this initiative encourage anyone who wants to join to do so, offering some guidelines to ensure that collective action has the greatest possible echo.

Initially, an announcement of the event must be published on the blogs as soon as possible and then, on the networks, to publish information against the behavioral methods of sleep and experiences about happy sleep and adding in Twiter the hastag # DiaMundialSueñoFeliz29J so that it is made known .

The day June 29, World Happy Dream Day, that day and not before, to achieve maximum impact, it will be time to flooded Twitter massively with the #DesmontandoaEstivill hastag, to get it to be Trending Topic that day.

If you want to join this event you can get more information in the Facebook group, Happy World Dream Day and participate in its organization in addition to having access to all the studies and articles that are being handled in the initiative. I certainly support the World Happy Dream Day With all my heart and I hope it reaches many people.