It's time to eat: everyone at the table, including the little one

Surely you keep countless precious memories of these first months of your baby's life and probably many of them have to do with a novel situation or with changes in your routine: the moment in which he clung tightly to your chest as soon as he was born , the first time he smiled consciously, looking you in the face (mine did it with 2 and a half months in a park bench), how he frowned the first day you started with the fruit or the moment when did you realize how much he had grown by watching him sitting in his high chair at the same table as the rest of the family.

It is curious because if we reflect on those special moments that we have shared with our babies and that we remember clearly, many of them are related to meals. The introduction of solid foods in your exclusive milk diet, your “pedreretas” with the fish puree or how you liked certain cookies.

Together to infinity and beyond

For me one of these unforgettable moments is the step to the high chair, why the family image reinforced me even more as a unit, all together at the table. Although our meal schedules still did not match, we at least shared the same space and assumed a big step also at the social level, since it facilitated family gatherings and meetings with friends and my son, he also seemed pleased to participate in this new collective experience.

My first highchair was a gift from some coworkers, so I had no opportunity to compare and choose a model that would fit in my home and at my table. Without wishing to appear ungrateful, it was a gigantic highchair, with bright colors and it was very difficult for me to move from one place to another, so I chose to look for a place near the dining room table, even if it was quite fun. In the end it served its purpose and also gave me a clear idea of ​​what to value when choosing a practical and functional highchair.

Essential: it must be light and easily transportable. And if you have little space or just looking for something discreet, the best option is a high chair that suits your chairs and your table.

The Fisher-Price Comfort Highchair is fixed securely to most chairs and is regulated in three height levels to adapt to different table models. You can use it also when the child grows up changing your restraint system.

I wouldn't know how to tell you what parents' decisions influence for a child to be a good eater. I feel lucky because I belong to that group of mothers with children who eat everything and without difficulty, but when I see my friends suffering because their children do not want to eat or reject most of the food, I can understand their concern and even share it. That is why I do not dare to affirm that the fact of eating in high chair by sharing a table with your family will solve your problems and get your children to learn to eat, but I am sure that observing good eating habits in your parents is a key reference in the future. And that children tend to imitate what they see and perhaps sitting all together at the table, let's get more than enjoying a pleasant evening, which is not a small thing.