"Guide for New Parents", videoconferencing course

The arrival of the first child is a revolution: a wonderful moment of joy but also cause for doubt and concern. Thinking of offering an accompaniment in positive emotions and the need for information, this is born Videoconference format course: “Guide for First-time Parents”.

Roxy Gonzalez, a Mexican mother who works in social networks, decided to share her experience with other first-time parents. Of course, it is normal to have doubts and fears, but if we are guided by the instinct of protection, love and updated information of the most modern research on childcare everything is simplified.

The “Guide for New Parents” It is aimed at dads and moms, because it also offers them advice on the interpretation of their new emotions and what they can do to help their partner and baby be happier.

Now with the “Guide for New Parents”, Roxy wants to share through a series of videoconferences everything she has learned, not only because of what she has read, but because of her own experience and what has happened with her daughter. The sessions will cover the issues that concern us most as first-time parents: what to buy to receive the baby, how life changes when we become parents, how to organize with a newborn baby, food, sleep, crying, hygiene .

The price of this is complete series of lectures "Guide to First-time Parents" It is really affordable ($ 17 until September 4), so, both as a gift and for own use, it is a resource that we can add to first-time parents who can appreciate them.

Official site | School for first-time parents
In Babies and more | All about your little one, manual for first-time parents, Funny gift for first-time parents, DVD "Welcome to life: instruction manual for first-time parents"