Recommendations for the purchase of 'safe' toys

The month has arrived in which the purchases of games and toys soar, although we also know that this season Santa Claus and the Magi will most likely have a much tighter budget.

What family does not want their children to receive the desired gifts on Christmas Eve or Reyes' morning? But nowadays, and regardless of the need to educate children in containment, the situation is not enough to squander.

That's why we are Attending endless offers and discounts related to the acquisition of all kinds of toys. You can also observe in the cities the opening of shops that adjust the profit margin so that 'no child is left without their gifts'. As parents we must ensure the safety of our children, and understand that we need to find toys at a good price, but without this entailing a risk.

It is considered that a toy is safe when attending to the habitual behavior of a child, it does not jeopardize the safety and health of the child and other dynamic agents, while using

What guarantees do we have that a toy is safe for our children?

All items marketed in the European Union must be identified with the CE Marking, which implies:

  • The consumer must be effectively informed about the appropriate use, and the risks in case such use does not occur.

  • It is mandatory to mention explicitly what toys are intended for children under 36 months. And these must have passed the necessary tests verifying that they do not generate or contain small parts that can be ingested or inhaled.

Properties that are controlled in toys in order to pass the regulations:

  • Physical and mechanical: to prevent them from causing bodily injury due to the elements that compose them, or their instability.

  • Chemistry: manufacturing materials must not produce toxic, irritating and burns effects when the child comes into contact with the toy.

  • Electric: 24 Volts cannot be exceeded, and elements related to energy sources will not be accessible to children.

  • Hygienic: manufacturing must guarantee conditions that avoid the risk of infection or disease.

A final note is that the requirements must be easily found in the toys that exist in the market: if they are not present at first sight in the packaging and instructions, it is very likely that we cannot trust the product or the store.

As you see, it's easy to combine economy with security, practicing our observation skills, and making sure that the gifts that the Magi will bring will not give us any fright.