Where can I donate toys that my children no longer use?

You probably have at home, as happens to us, toys that your children no longer use. A good option for responsible and solidarity recycling is to give these toys to children who do not have them, which are many as we saw recently. But, Where to donate toys that our children no longer use?

In this map we can see how most Spanish provinces have a place to donate our toys. Anyway, you can ask in your town halls or parishes because it is likely that there is also a toy collection program in the neighborhood or town.

This is a collaborative list of entities that collect toys for Christmas parties. We can also ask family, friends or neighbors with young children if they want these toys, if they are really going to use them (because we don't want them to go from drawer to drawer…).

It's a shame that those toys already forgotten by children They cannot pass on to younger children that are going to enjoy them and learn from them. Normally it is requested that the toys are not broken, that they are in good condition to be reused.

We thank our reader Vickitoria who sent us this map through a comment. In turn, she, interested in the subject of donating toys, passed the information.

In these times I think that throwing anything that can be used by others is irresponsible, although we all fall into it from time to time. I hope we all have close a place to donate toys that our children no longer use, a small gesture of solidarity that will cost us nothing.

Video: HUGE Toy Declutter, I Donate Half of My Kid's Toys. ORGANIZATION (July 2024).